Comic Coooooooon!!!

This year was the first year I’d ever attended San Diego Comic Con, either as an exhibitor or as an attendee. I’d heard stories – wonderful, amazing stories – from other people who had been to the show before. “Geek Mecca”, they called it, or sometimes, jokingly, the “Geek Prom”, but the one thing that remained the same about their tales was the slightly-misty look in their eyes as they spoke of it. Some people had met famous actors and shook their hands. Others had gotten their hands on enough fabulous loot to make pirate envious. And others had met life-long friends in line for Hall H.

So, to say that I was a tad nervous about exhibiting at San Diego is a bit of an understatement. One of my friends tried to reassure me that I’d exhibited at other big cons before, and that I would be an old pro at it. I looked him dead in the eye and replied, “To say that is akin to saying that I’ve walked through a rainstorm, so I should know how to deal with a hurricane.”

So, was it a hurricane? Hells yeah!! More people attended that con this year than live in the city I was born in.

But was it one hell of a fun time?? Oh my god yes!!!!

More later!! There’s tons of San Diego stories to tell, but only a few days before I ship out to Gen Con!!

News: Posted July 27th, 2010 by Alina

^ 4 Comments to “Comic Coooooooon!!!”

  1. Brent Says:

    Haven’t been to SDCC, but it is on the “to do” list.

    But Scott, Anita, Leah and I will see you at GenCon! Road trip, ftw!

    Posted July 30th, 2010 at 7:51 am
  2. Joi Says:

    I was so happy to get to meet you at Comic-Con!! My signed Volume One of Weregeek made me the envy of many friends. 😀

    (It was my first Comic-con too, and I’m still in total fangirl squeee mode over it!!)

    Posted July 30th, 2010 at 12:45 pm
  3. Ryu-Chan Says:

    I just have to say, I LOVE you guys.

    Posted August 4th, 2010 at 12:57 am
  4. Haukness Says:

    Glad you enjoyed it. Since I live there, SD Comic Con is the only one I know… I always hesitate to go to any other because I think I will be disapointed… DAMN IT, I WAS SPOILED BEFORE I EVEN HAD A CHANCE!!! ITS NOT FAIR!

    Posted August 9th, 2010 at 10:44 am

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