‘Ware the tubes.

pyzamomgwtfHey, this probably goes without saying, but if you haven’t checked the calendar today, you probably should.

That’s all I’m saying. There is silliness about everywhere today.

Also, you should go read The Devil’s Panties! Why? Well, cause it’s awesome, that’s why. And I’m going to be sitting next to Jennie Breeden at the Emerald City Comic Con this weekend, so if you haven’t read her comic yet, go read it now, and they you can save yourself time and just meet us both at once! See? I’m saving you guys time here, cause I know how jam-packed full of awesomeness the line-up at ECCC is this year.  Seriously. You’re gonna need a schedule book or something, because there’s just so many cool people to go see.

Planning on coming out? Gimme a shout!! I’ll see you there!!

News: Posted March 31st, 2009 by Alina

^ One Comment to “‘Ware the tubes.”

  1. Technocracygirl Says:

    My husband and I (who first met you at last year’s SF APE) will be there today, and are planning on stopping by to see you. (And are really, really excited about it!)

    Posted April 4th, 2009 at 8:22 am

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