For years now, Clover has used her litterbox for it’s intended purpose. I didn’t have to train her to go there – her previous owner, who had her for the first 8 months of her life – had managed to teach her that much, at least. However, in the past few months, Clover has decided that her litterbox is suddenly and magically a wonderful spa!! She takes thrice-daily rolls in the clay desert, seemingly loving every moment of it. (She does not, however, love the increase in baths that her new hobby has earned her.)
I suspect that she’s got dry skin that I just simply can’t see, and is trying to scratch herself using her litter. Hopefully, the dry skin treatments I’ve managed to find online will help clear that up, and I won’t need to worry about picking little brown lumps out from her quills any longer…
Hedgehogs. They are filthy beasts.
Girkish Says:
Miss Alina, I’ve been watching this for a while, and this is the first time I’ve ever commented. I love your entries on the hedgehogs, especially any with clover. XP She reminds me of the hedgehog version of Special Dog, the pet of the woman who does the Hyperbole and a Half Blog. I don’t know if you’ve heard of that, but the way you both portray your pets is familiar and freaking hilarious.
By the way, very glad you started these up again. Always a perk to find an update in here. ^_^
KenderBryant Says:
Maybe you should trade them in for a Snowy Owl? Maybe a female named Hedwig? I know, I’m such a dweeb. I even named (unofficially) my Snowy Gryhpon Mount (WoW) Hedwig, even though you can’t name mounts.